Whether emergencies, routine examinations or special consultations – we are there for you.
Our gynecologists are familiar with the entire spectrum of emergencies in the field of gynecology and obstetrics and treat women in all phases of life. In every consultation and examination our gynecologists focus on the specific and individual needs of the patient in order to achieve the best possible treatment.
Free appointments todayGynecological examinations
Annual check-ups
Contraceptive counseling
Cycle disorders
Infections in the genital area
Sexually transmitted diseases
Abdominal pain
Urinary tract infections
Obstetric examinations incl. cardiotocography (CTG)
Troubles during pregnancy
Care for high-risk pregnancies
Premature labor
Care in case of unwanted pregnancy
Tumor diseases
Sexual counseling
Ultrasound diagnostics (gynecology, breast, pregnancy)
Blood sampling
Pap smears
Biopsies (tissue sample collection)
Walk-in daily from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. – no appointment required
Cervical cancer vaccination from the age of 11
Dispensing of medication
(Emergency) contraception
Menstrual issues
Menopausal symptoms
Would you like to discuss your concerns with a specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics by telephone? Book your appointment with treatment reason “telephone consultation” in the online appointment booking tool.
Simply select the desired time slot and our gynaecologist will call you at the agreed time. You will then receive a quick and uncomplicated competent consultation for your gynaecological questions.
Book online